





柳春锋,男,1977年生,江苏张家港人,教授,博士,硕士生导师。19997月南京化工大学机械工程学院毕业,获工学学士学位;20043月浙江大学管理学院毕业,获管理学硕士学位;20116月合肥工业大学管理学院毕业,获管理学博士学位。20152~20162月在美国新泽西理工学院(new jersey institute of technology)访学。曾就职于江苏法尔胜集团公司、张家港中集圣达因低温装备有限公司,从事产品设计、新品开发及技术改造方面的管理工作。

目前主要从事运作管理与优化决策、项目管理与资源调度、智能制造管理方面的教学与研究。主持科研课题13项,已在《ieee transactions on automation science and engineering》、《applied soft computing》、《computers & industrial engineering》、《international journal of production research》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《人大复印资料》等国内外刊物上发表论文50余篇(其中第一作者论文45篇)。sci期刊收录15篇、ei期刊收录18篇。



主讲课程:项目管理 等


  1. chunfeng liu, jufeng wang,  mengchu zhou. reconfiguration of virtual cellular manufacturing systems via improved imperialist competitive approach[j]. ieee transactions on automation science and engineering, 2019, 16 (3): 1301-1314.sciieeeei收录)

  2. chunfeng liu, jufeng wang, joseph y.-t. leung. integrated bacteria foraging algorithm for cellular manufacturing in supply chain considering facility transfer and production planning[j]. applied soft computing, 2018, 62: 602-618sciei收录)

  3. chunfeng liu, jufeng wang, joseph y.-t. leung. worker assignment and production planning with learning and forgetting in manufacturing cells by hybrid bacteria foraging algorithm[j]. computers & industrial engineering, 2016, 96: 162-179sciei收录)

  4. chunfeng liu, jufeng wang, joseph y.-t. leung, kai li. solving cell formation and task scheduling in cellular manufacturing system by discrete bacteria foraging algorithm[j]. international journal of production research, 2016, 543: 923-944sciei收录)

  5. chunfeng liu, jufeng wang. cell formation and task scheduling considering multi-functional resource and part movement using hybrid simulated annealing[j]. international journal of computational intelligence systems, 2016, 94: 765-777sciei收录)

  6. chunfeng liu. a hybrid genetic algorithm to minimize total tardiness for unrelated parallel machine scheduling with precedence constraints[j]. mathematical problems in engineering, 2013, 2013: 1-11sciei收录).

  7. chunfeng liu, xiao yang, jufeng wang. optimization of product line considering compatibility and reliability via discrete imperialist competitive algorithm[j]. rairo - operations research, 2021, 55(6): 3773-3795sciei收录).

  8. chunfeng liu, yuanyuan liu, jufeng wang. a revised imperialist competition algorithm for cellular manufacturing optimization based on product line design[j]. journal of industrial and management optimization, 2021, doi:10.3934/jimo.2021175sci期刊).

  9. chunfeng liu. a hybrid genetic algorithm for multi-skilled workforce project scheduling minimizing total tardiness[j]. icic express letters, 2013, 712: 3385-3392ei收录).

  10. chunfeng liu, shanlin yang. a hybrid genetic algorithm for integrated project task and multi-skilled workforce scheduling[j]. journal of computational information systems2011, 76: 2187-2194ei收录).

  11. chunfeng liu, shanlin yang. a serial insertion schedule generation scheme for resource-constrained project scheduling[j]. journal of computers, 2011, 611: 2365-2375ei收录).

  12. chunfeng liu, shanlin yang. a heuristic serial schedule algorithm for unrelated parallel machine scheduling with precedence constraints[j]. journal of software, 2011, 66: 1146-1153ei收录).

  13.  jufeng wang, chunfeng liu, mengchu zhou. improved bacterial foraging algorithm for cell formation and product scheduling considering learning and forgetting factors in cellular manufacturing systems[j]. ieee systems journal, 2020, 14(2): 3047-3056sci收录).

  14.  jufeng wang, chunfeng liu*, kai li. a hybrid simulated annealing for scheduling in dual resource cellular manufacturing system considering worker movement[j]. automatika, 2019, 60(2): 172-180sci收录).

  15.  jufeng wang, chunfeng liu, mengchu zhou. multi-factory cellular manufacturing cell formation and product scheduling via genetic algorithm[c]. 2021 ieee 17th international conference on automation science and engineering (case), august 23-27, 2021. lyon, france.ieeeei收录).

  16. jufeng wang,chunfeng liu*. a priority rule based heuristic for virtual cellular manufacturing system with energy consumption[c]. 15th ieee international conference on networking, sensing and controlicnsc 2018, may 18, 2018, zhuhai, chinaieeeei收录).

  17. jufeng wang,chunfeng liu*. stabilization of uncertain systems with markovian modes of time delay and quantization density[j]. ieee/caa journal of automatica sinica, 2018, 52: 463-470sciieeeei收录).

  18.  jufeng wang, mengchu zhou, chunfeng liu. stochastic stability of markovian jump linear systems over networks with random quantization density and time delay[j]. physica a: statistical mechanics and its applications, 2018, 509: 1128-1139sciei收录).

  19.  jufeng wang, chunfeng liu *. exponential stability of a class of networked control systems with disturbed controllers[j]. advances in difference equations, 2016, 2016: 1-10sci收录).2016-1-6

  20. jufeng wang, chunfeng liu *, kai li. h-infinity stochastic control of a class of networked control systems with time delays and packet dropouts[j]. mathematical problems in engineering, 2014, 2014: 1-7sciei收录).

  21.  jufeng wang, chunfeng liu, huizhong yang. stability of a class of networked control systems with markovian characterization[j]. applied mathematical modelling, 2012, 367: 3168-3175sciei收录).

  22. jufeng wang, chunfeng liu, kai li.stochastically exponential stability of a class of networked control systems with time delays and packet dropouts[j]. icic express letters, 2015, 92: 587-593ei收录).2015-1-1

  23.  jufeng wang, chunfeng liu, huizhong yang. stability of markovian jump linear systems over networks with random delays[j]. journal of information and computational science, 2013, 108: 2261-2268ei收录).

  24.  jufeng wang, chunfeng liu. stability analysis for a class of nonlinear networked control systems[c]. proceedings of the 37th chinese control conference, july 25-27, 2018, wuhan, chinaei收录).

  25. 柳春锋,李凯,杨善林.基于改进dp算法的具有优先序的变速机最小化成本调度[j].系统工程理论与实践,2011312):276-282(一级,ei收录).

  26. 柳春锋,杨善林.效率异质型员工项目调度算法研究[j].计算机工程与应用,20114713):18-62cscd.

  27. 柳春锋,杨善林.求解学习型员工项目调度问题的hpso算法[j].计算机工程,2012382):21-24cscd.

  28. 柳春锋,杨善林.针对技能型员工项目调度的ga进化策略研究[j].计算机应用与软件,2012293):69-73.

  29. 柳春锋,刘媛媛,王居凤.考虑偏好不确定的合作性单元制造优化研究[j].计算机应用研究,2021393)(cscd.

  30. 柳春锋,王艳,王居凤.考虑学习效应与物流的单元制造系统优化研究[j].计算机应用与软件,2019364):79-85.

  31. 柳春锋,孙源,曹园园.在线品牌社群意见领袖特征对消费者参与企业创造意愿的影响机制研究[j].信息与管理研究,202162-3):13-27.

  32. 柳春锋.旅游联盟成员匹配性的机理探析[j].企业经济,20079):72-74.人大复印资料《旅游管理》全文转载,200712):8-10.

  33. 柳春锋.浅析我国经济型饭店的发展模式[j].商业研究,20044):33-35.

  34. 柳春锋.旅游联盟成功运作关键影响因素研究[j].商业研究,20066):166-169 .

  35. 柳春锋.旅游联盟成功的重要影响因素研究[j].企业活力,200612):12-13.

  36. 柳春锋.浅析旅游电子商务信任机制的构建[j].商场现代化,200810):64-64.

  37. 柳春锋.旅游联盟成员兼容性研究[j].企业活力,20083):24-25.

  38. 柳春锋.基于博弈分析的旅游联盟成功之重要因素[j].商讯·商业经济文荟,200612):56-58.

  39. 柳春锋.饭店建筑节能影响因素及策略研究——以杭州市旅游饭店为例[j].饭店现代化,200812):62-64.

  40. 王居凤,柳春锋. 寡头竞争模型在旅游联盟协议中的应用[j].数学的实践与认识,2007379):12-16 .


  1. 主持完成教育部人文社会科学研究基金课题:“动态事件驱动的单元制造系统资源智慧管理与绩效优化”(项目编号:17yjc630093

  2. 主持浙江省自然科学基金课题:“物联网环境下虚拟单元制造动态资源配置与优化算法研究”(项目编号:ly19g020015

  3. 主持完成教育部人文社会科学研究基金课题:“rfid环境下单元制造系统多技能员工柔性管理优化研究”(项目编号:14yjc630089

  4. 主持完成浙江省自然科学基金课题:“基于学习遗忘效应的cms系统多技能员工柔性管理优化研究”(项目编号:ly14g020014

  5. 主持完成浙江省高校人文社科“管理科学与工程”重点研究基地课题:“基于细菌觅食优化的智慧型单元制造多能工柔性管理研究”(项目编号:zd05-201601

  6. 主持完成浙江省高校人文社科“管理科学与工程”重点研究基地课题:“rfid环境下单元制造系统人力资源柔性管理模型及优化研究”(项目编号:zd01-201402

  7. 主持完成浙江省高校人文社科“决策科学与创新管理”重点研究基地课题:“知识型项目中异质多技能员工动态多目标调度与决策研究”(项目编号:rwskzd02-201211

  8. 主持完成杭州市哲学社会科学规划常规性课题:“饭店建筑节能影响因素及策略研究——以杭州市旅游饭店为例”(项目编号:b08gl09q

  9. 主持完成浙江省旅游科学研究课题:“旅游企业战略联盟稳定性的影响因素研究”(项目编号:2007zjly-c-33

  10. 主持完成杭州市哲学社会科学规划常规性课题:“旅游联盟成员兼容性研究”(项目编号:d07gl04
