





职称:特聘副教授       学位         博士        

招生学科       □管理科学与工程   □工商管理    □其他             

研究方向       群智制造运营管理技术;制造服务供需匹配理论与方法



2.国家社会科学基金重大项目, 15zdb151,工业化与信息化融合战略的体系、路径与方法研究,主要参与人




    陈文冲,男,2021年毕业天津大学管理与经济学部,获管理学博士学位,师从国内工业工程专业创始人之一齐二石教授,曾受国家公派赴美国佐治亚理工学院进行联合培养,师从大批量客户定制领域知名学者roger jiao教授。现为杭州电子科技大学管理学院特聘副教授,主要研究方向为群智制造运营管理技术、平台驱动的制造服务供需匹配理论与方法。曾参与国家社科基金重大项目1项、面上项目1项,国家自然科学基金项目1项。以第一作者身份在omegaijpreswajmsijamtjasss、《中国机械工程》等sscisciei期刊上发表或录用论文10多篇,担任ijprjimcie等多个国际期刊审稿人。有丰富的企业实践经验,曾参与为一汽大众、一汽丰田、北方重工集团、航天科工集团、台州杰克缝纫机等制造企业提供生产管理咨询服务;目前已与浙江新华三集团、大华股份等建立了较为紧密的合作关系,可为课题研究与实践提供支撑。


[1] wenchong chen, xuejian gong, humyun fuad rahman, et al. real-time order acceptance and scheduling for data-enabled permutation flow shops: bilevel interactive optimization with nonlinear integer programming [j]. omega, 2021, 105: 102499.

[2] wenchong chen, xuejian gong, roger jiao, et al. bilevel interactive optimisation for rebatching scheduling problem with selectivity banks in high variety flow line production [j]. international journal of production research, 2021, doi:10.1080/00207543.2021.1933644.

[3] 陈文冲,阮渊鹏,李建国等. 信息流与实物流混合驱动的含返修闭环异步串联生产系统稳态性能分析[j]. 中国机械工程,2021,已录用.

[4] wengchong chen, hongwei liu, ershi qi. buffer allocation in asynchronous serial production systems with bernoulli machines during transients [j]. international journal of industrial and systems engineering, 2021, 39(2): 176-204.

[5] wenchong chen, hongwei liu, ershi qi. discrete event-driven model predictive control for real-time work-in-process optimization in serial production systems [j]. journal of manufacturing systems, 2020, 55: 132-142.

[6] 陈文冲,刘洪伟,齐二石等. 离散串联生产系统物理与信息过程匹配机理[j]. 计算机集成制造系统,201925(11)2923-2934.

[7] wenchong chen, hongwei liu, dan xu. dynamic pricing strategies for perishable product in a competitive multi-agent retailer market [j]. jasss-journal of artificial societies and social simulation, 2018, 3.

[8] wenchong chen, jing li, wentao ma. hybrid flow-shop re-scheduling algorithm for perishable products subject to a due date with random invalidity to operating unit [j]. international journal of advanced manufacturing technology, 2017, 93(1-4): 225-239.

[9] wenchong chen, jing li, xiaojie jin. the replenishment policy of agri-products with stochastic demand in integrated agricultural supply chains [j]. expert system with applications, 2016, 48: 55-66.

[10] wenchong chen, jing li, danping wen. investigating the robustness of the agricultural supply chain based on colored petri nets [j]. simulation – transactions of the society for modeling and simulation international, 2015, 91(10): 898-915.


